Call for Papers: BSECS 45th Annual Conference 6th – 8th January 2016 St Hugh’s College, Oxford, United Kingdom
The annual meeting of the British Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies is Europe’s largest and most prestigious annual conference dealing with all aspects of the history, culture and literature of the long eighteenth century.
We invite proposals for papers and sessions dealing with any aspect of the long eighteenth century, not only in Britain, but also throughout Europe, North America, and the wider world. Proposals are invited for fully comprised panels of three papers, for roundtable sessions of up to five speakers, for individual papers of twenty minutes duration, and for ‘alternative format’ sessions of your devising.
Proposals on all and any eighteenth-century topics are very welcome. Our plenary speakers at the conference will be addressing the topic of ‘Growth, Expansion and Contraction’ and proposals are also invited which address any aspect of this theme.
All enquiries regarding the academic programme of the conference should be addressed to the academic programme co-ordinator,
Our proposal system to submit papers will be available shortly.